Important Notice : We have received information that many many fake organizations in the same name of N.C.I.F (NATIONAL CRIME INTELLIGENCE FORCE) are active in the country. The member of those fake organizations are being misled by the name of N.C.I.F (NATIONAL CRIME INTELLIGENCE FORCE) . You are requested to avoid such misleading people and organizations and if any person tells himself as an official of N.C.I.F (NATIONAL CRIME INTELLIGENCE FORCE) , then first of all check his verification by going to the officer verification on our website from his UID and registered mobile number. If you become a victim of any type of fraud by an unauthorized person then N.C.I.F (NATIONAL CRIME INTELLIGENCE FORCE) headquarters will not be responsible.
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National Crime Intelligence Force

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National Crime Intelligence Force

National Crime Intelligence Force

National Crime Intelligence Force

National Crime Intelligence Force

National Crime Intelligence Force

National Crime Intelligence Force

National Crime Intelligence Force

National Crime Intelligence Force

National Crime Intelligence Force

National Crime Intelligence Force

National Crime Intelligence Force

National Crime Intelligence Force

National Crime Intelligence Force

नेशनल क्राइम इंटेलीजेंस फोर्स (कविता)

National Crime Intelligence Force

National Crime Intelligence Force

National Crime Intelligence Force

National Crime Intelligence Force

National Crime Intelligence Force

National Crime Intelligence Force

National Crime Intelligence Force

Abouts Us

Wel-Come To The National Crime Intelligence Force Registered : under Indian Trust Act 1882 OF Government. OF NCT. OF DELHI . The Registration No is 4010/2013/14 (Vol. No.3161/154-174) Certified by : Ministry OF Commerce & Industry Govt. OF India TMA No.2653320/45 Recognized By : Deptt. OF Copyright Govt. OF INDIA & ISO Certified 9001-2015 Organization 

(NCIF) Over Organizations Website -  &  People think that Crime And Corruption simply means Bribery in general understanding, It is more than that. Corruption Means Injustice, misuse or disorder in morality, monetary, mental, Physical etc. Crime And Corruption Of any Kind are nuisances to the society.

Crime And Corruption is the root cause of all the evils in the society. It hampers progress. It brings unhappiness. It Brings war. Corruption brings Crime in society. Across all India to hell identify, prevent, solve and reduce Corruption & Crime. We Work against all type of Corruption, Crime and Intelligence other illegal work under Indian Govt. penal act.

So it’s a high time for all the thoughtful people to come for stopping this social menace called Corruption, Crime And Intelligence . So let’s go, fight against Intelligence and help us to make our country Corruption free. All the interested citizen’s has to do is call 011-6931-1898 , +91- 9953328443 .Join us to make our society Corruption free and safe. We will give a powerful support for working good social work for our greater country India.

Crime And Corruption is a problem you may have Solution All World  

Mr. Vikas Rajput
National Chief
National Crime Intelligence Force(Regd.)
 Help Line :- 011-6931-1898
Mobile Number – 09953328443 , 09315191365

The National Crime Intelligence Force will play an important role in national awakening in the future through all types of social and judicial awareness campaigns. Our organization is an independent social organization which we as national chairman / president are collaborating with many social organizations, various newspapers and news channels. National Crime Intelligence Force has been organizing awareness programs on the topics of human rights abuses, women harassment, child protection, cyber crime, corruption and crime etc., along with checking their level on complaints received on social problems and providing them to the concerned departments Important / Secret News Various security and intelligence agencies and the Ministry of Home Affairs and Honorable President of India They also provide ti.

Information And Requesting

The National Crime Intelligence Force is primarily a name for the Crime and Corruption Killer team, operating across India with the support of good officers and a powerful legal team. It is an NGO (NGO) which operates independently and plays a vital role in the services of our country and makes our society crime free and safe. We have taken immediate steps for crime and corruption and played a powerful role in curbing corruption in various government departments. Now, one day, our institution is establishing its name in various government departments by highlighting irregularities and creating awareness among people, making them aware of their authority. We help local, national and even international law enforcement officials in their relentless efforts to curb the activities of legal information, crime syndicates, rackets, organized gangs, smuggling and law breaking. Many people contact us to solve their personal / personal problems or to satisfy their personal troubles. We work with unselfish spirit in the interest of the country and society with the aim that we get respect and respect from the common people in the country. Welfare of common people through us and our organization

Who can join ?

Any person, who is disciplined, attained :he age to majority and willing to serve the nation (no restrictions on the basis of caste, creed religion, Party or Sex) may join NCIF to serve to society and nation by become member of any category. He will have to submit following documents along with the application form.

1. Photocopy of citizenship of India
2.Photocopy of education qualifications
3.Four passport size photo
4.Affidavit on Stamp paper of Rs. 10/- attested by Notary Officer.
5. Complete membership form with attested by any one authorized officer by CIF.
6. Aadhaar Card is mandatory for address proof.
7. Pan Card and Voter Card for Identity Proof.

An Appeal

You may play an important role in reconstructing a just and equitable society:
Photocopy of citizenship of India
Provide moral support as well as logistic and financial help.
Promote NCIF activities in your locality.
Use the media at your disposal to introduce NCIF.
Join NCIF and contribute in its activities.
If you are a teacher, social worker or hold a public office in a local body, you are invited to benefit from the training efforts launched by NCIF.
Send your contributions in favour of

"National Crime Intelligence Force"

Aim and Objective

To bring diplomatic and commercial pressures on regimes that violates human rights, to ensure that they respect the basic rights of their citizens.

To keep the interests of disempowered communities foremost in all dealings with countries in which human rights violations occur

To recognize democratic institutions as a fundamental human right.

To work for ensuring that basic human rights are respected everywhere.

To co-operate to avoid compromising on human rights for economic or political expediency.

To work towards the sovereignty and self determination of entities with historical, cultural and ecological identity.

To restrict cooperation with governing regimes that violates human rights.

To actively engage with the government of India and other countries to promote human rights education

To promote the rule of law at the national and international levels.

To support the end of colonization and press for resolution of colonial conflicts through the U.N. frame work.


NCIF Rules & Regulations

In case of loss of the identity Card, inform the National Office in writing along with the F.I.R. immediately.

All NCIF members should contact their respective Area Committee / State Committee / National Committee. Office once in a month Compulsory

The Members and Officers of NCIF are working on voluntary basis and no payment is given to them. Membership is non-transferable and once the payment is made, it is non-refundable.

On expiry, the Identity Cards must be submitted to the National Office. After expiry, renewal is a must for regular membership

In case of change of address, Member should inform the same to the National Office.

Strict action will be taken against the Member, if found guilty floating the rules and regulations of NCIF, and are also punishable under the Trusty Act

If you have any doubt, question or problem, please contact NCIF National Office. All rights reserved to NCIF.

Any kind of misbehavior or misconduct may result in rejection of membership of NCIF. All disputes subject to jurisdiction of Howrah only.

NCIF will not be responsible for any misuse of Identity Card issued to the Members during the course of their Membership with NCIF.


I hereby solemnly affirm and declare that: The particulars mentioned by me here in above are true & correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed or suppressed thereof. If anything found incorrect at any stage, my membership may be terminated. 2. I honestly declare that I will not involve myself directly or indirectly in any act which will be against the prestige of our Nation, Society, NCIF as well. 3. I will abide by the rules and regulations and Bye-Laws of the SS NCIF in force from time to time.


Functions of NCIF

Such other functions as it may consider necessary for the promotion of human rights.

Encourage the efforts of voluntary organizations and institutions working in the field of human rights.

Human rights education.

Undertake and promote research in the field of human rights.

Intervene in any proceeding involving any allegation of violation of human rights pending before a court with the permission of such court.

To promote the rule of law at the national and international levels.

Inquire sue Moto or on a petition presented to it by a victim or any person on his behalf, into complaint of :

violation of human rights or abetment there of , or

Inquire sue Moto or on a petition presented to it by a victim or any person on his behalf, into complaint of

Negligence in the prevention of such violation, by a public servant.

Vision and Mission

The mission of “National Crime Intelligence Force” is to build a multidisciplinary community engaged in the study and practice of human rights and justice that promotes the economic and political enfranchisement of each and every human being both locally and globally and further to ensure that Justice is delivered to anybody and everybody in its right spirit and within adequate time.
It is a unique of its kind human rights center in the country that is truly interdisciplinary. Lawyers, law-students work side-by-side with scholars and practitioners across disciplines, including anthropology, sociology, government, public policy, the fine arts and in any every such field wherever humanity has a chance of losing its dignity. The Center’s motto is “Partners for Change at the Intersection of Academics and Advocacy,” representing its mission and unique position as an academic center that not only works across disciplines, but also collaborates with the communities outside the academy to affect innovative, enduring change in the lives of each and every effected individual, group, cast, creed, religion or any other group of any nature whatsoever.



Human Rights Protection

How to Take Steps to Protect Human Rights:

1. Identifying Human Rights

Recognize civil rights.

Identify political rights.

Recognize economic and social rights

Be aware of cultural rights.

2. Protecting and Promoting Human Rights in your Personal Life

Embrace the duty to protect and promote human rights.

Learn about human rights.

Participate in local human rights activism.

Document human rights violations.

Report local human rights violations to a trusted organization.

Report serious human rights violations to the United Nations.

3. Protecting Human Rights in your Professional Life

Participate in a human rights fellowship.

Work for a human rights organization.

Become a political leader dedicated to human rights.

4. The Part of Human Rights

Human Rights

Citizen Rights

Civil Rights

Women Rights

Rights to Freedom

Rights to Education

Rights to Voice

Rights to Legal

Rights to Food

Rights to Health

Secret Information

National Crime Intelligence Force is a reputed intelligence workers organization in India. In the post it was tasked with all intelligence but in recent times it has focused on internal security. We are the one who dedicated to do some they respected intelligence work for their own country to make crime free civilization for citizen of India. We Proved secrete information for fake currency, narcotics, Drugs. Antics, Illegal Post, Stamp paper and Weapons to CBI, Vigilance, Crime Branch, Home ministry, Ministry of defense, Central And state Government, Local Police and its administration

We Invite

Inviting all professional, self employed, service class Students, Businessmen, Housewife  , Retard Persons etc., to earn extra income, without any experience, educational background Special Intelligence Unit is India's leading investigative intelligence agency. Members of Special Intelligence Unit will get remuneration from Rs. 5,000/- to Rs. 50,000/- on each assignment. They will be provided complete technical knowhow and backup.

Terrorism Information


Terrorism in India, according to the Home Ministry, poses a significant threat to the people of India. Terrorism found in India includes ethno-nationalist terrorism, religious terrorism, left wing terrorism and Norco terrorism The regions with long term terrorist activities have been Jammu and Kashmir, east-central and south-central India (Naxalism) and the Seven Sister States. In August 2008, National Security Advisor M K Narayanan has said that there are as many as 800 terrorist cells operating in the country. As of 2013, 205 of the country’s 608 districts were affected by terrorist activity. Terror attacks caused 231 civilian deaths in 2012 in India, compared to 11,098 terror-caused deaths worldwide, according to the State Department of the United States; or about 2% of global terror fatalities while it accounts for 17.5% of global population

What groups are involved in terrorism in India?

There are scores of insurgent and terrorist groups operating in the country. Those recognized by the U.S. State Department as Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTO) or other "groups of concern" are:

Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT),

whose name means "Army of the Pure," is a militant Islamist group operating in Pakistan as well as in Jammu and Kashmir. The group reportedly received funding from Pakistan's intelligence services until 2001, when the United States designated it an FTO and Pakistan froze its assets. LeT, which has ideological, but unconfirmed operational ties to al-Qaeda, aims to win sovereignty for Jammu and Kashmir and spread Islamic rule across India. The group is blamed for some of the most high-profile terrorist attacks in India, including the July 11, 2006 bombing of the Mumbai commuter rail.


meaning "Army of Mohammed," is another Pakistan-based terrorist group operating in Jammu and Kashmir. Founded in 2000 by the former leader of the now- defunct group Harkat-ul-Ansar, Jaish-e-Muhammed seeks to drive India out of Jammu and Kashmir and transfer control of the region to Pakistan.

Harakat ul-Mujahadeen (HuM),

or the "Islamic Freedom Fighters' Group," was founded 1985 as an anti-Soviet group fighting in Afghanistan. When Soviet forces withdrew in 1989, the Pakistan-based HuM shifted its focus to Jammu and Kashmir. HuM seeks to battle "anti- Islamic forces" and its members have helped carry out operations as far away as Myanmar, Tajikistan, and Bosnia.

The Communist Party of India (Maoist)* was formed by a merger of Naxalite groups 2004 after talks between the Indian government and the leftist militants broke down. The group seeks to establish a "revolutionary zone" of control extending from the Nepalese border down to the southern part of Andhra Pradesh that would ultimately become a sovereign state.

Harakat ul-Jihad-I-Islami (HUJI) was founded in 1980 to fight Soviets in Afghanistan but has since concentrated its efforts in Jammu and Kashmir. HUJI, which is based in Pakistan and Kashmir, primarily attacks Indian military targets, but it is believed to be linked to the abduction and slaying of five Western tourists in Jammu and Kashmir in 1995.

Jamiat ul-Mujahadeen is a small group of pro-Pakistan Kashmiri separatists operating in near Pakistan. It is thought to be responsible for a pair of 2004 grenade attacks against political targets in India.

The United Liberation Front of Assam

(ULFA) has sought to establish an socialist state in Assam since its founding in 1979. In the 1990s, ULFA's attacks on political leaders, security forces, and infrastructure provoked a harsh response from the Indian government, causing it to lose some support among the residents of Assam. The U.S. State Department reports a December 2003 attack on a ULFA base by Indian forces caused the group's numbers to drop from more than 3,000 to several hundred.

Why is India the target of so many terrorist attacks?

India is embroiled in a number of low-intensity conflicts throughout its territory. Many terrorist incidents are the products of these clashes. The regions most affected are:

Jammu and Kashmir Located at the northern tip of India's territory, this state has been the focal point of a territorial dispute dating back to 1947—when British colonial rule ended—involving India, Pakistan, and China. India claims the entire region as its sovereign territory, though it controls only about half of it. A third of the land is controlled by Pakistan, and China controls the remainder. The quarrel between India and Pakistan has touched off a number of military showdowns. Since the late 1980s, the region has been home to a number of militant groups seeking independence for the region. Experts say these groups have extensive support networks in Pakistan, and some accuse Pakistan of using these insurgent groups to wage a proxy war in the region. Over the last decade, this conflict has been linked to some two-thirds of all fatalities from terrorist attacks in India.

Andhra Pradesh

Andhra Pradesh state along the Bay of Bengal coast has endured a number of attacks linked to a group known as Naxalites. Named for the town of Naxalbari where their movement began in 1967, Naxalites are revolutionary communists. Though not all are militant, Human Rights Watch estimates some 10,000 are members of armed militias, which continue to wage a low-intensity insurgency that claims hundreds of Indian lives every year. In areas under Naxalite control "people's courts" prosecute individuals deemed "class enemies" or "caste oppressors." The U.S. State Department reports Naxalite terrorism "is growing in sophistication and lethality and may pose a significant long-term challenge." Indian officials have reportedly organized vigilante groups to help oppose Naxalite influence, and human rights groups have criticized the government's methods. Over the years, the Naxalite influence has spread to thirteen of India's twenty-eight states. The swath passes through the woods and jungles of central India, where the group takes refuge and recruits from the region's impoverished population. The states of Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Jharkhand, and Orissa have witnessed high levels of Naxalite activity, but Chhattisgarh witnessed the most Maoist-related violence in 2006 with more than 360 deaths.

Northeastern states.

Violence has plagued several states in northeast India ever since the country now known as Bangladesh was partitioned off in 1947. Fighting has been particularly bad in the states of Assam and Nagaland, which over the years have received a large influx of immigrants. Shifting demographics in an area already prone to tribal friction have helped touch off a number of religious and cultural conflicts. Poverty is endemic in the region, and many groups are demanding independence, citing neglect and discrimination on the part of the Indian government as grounds for separation. Militant groups like the United Liberation Front of Assam have targeted politicians and infrastructure in an attempt to force out government influence.

Some Indian states such as Karnataka and Maharashtra have other laws, Maharashtra Control of Organized Crime Act (MCOCA) and the Karnataka Control of Organized Crime Act, that are used to try suspected terrorists. The MCOCA was also extended to Delhi in 2002. Some lawyers have alleged that MCOCA is even more draconian than POTA and has often been misused by the investigative agencies. Other states like Rajasthan, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh are also seeking similar anti-terror laws.

Consumer Rights

The Consumer Protection Act guarantees the following six Consumers Rights:

Right to Safety: The right to be protected against the marketing of goods and services, which are hazardous to life and property.

Right to be informed: The right to be informed about thequality, quantity, potency, purity, standard and price of goods or services, as the case may be so as to protect the consumer against unfair trade practices.

Right to Choose: The right to be assured, wherever possible, access to a variety of goods and services at competitive prices

Right to be heard: The right to be heard and to be assured that consumer’s interests will receive due consideration at appropriate fora.

Right to Redressal : The right to seek Redressal against unfair trade practices or restrictive trade practices or unscrupulous exploitation of consumers.

Right to Consumer Education

The consumer rights protection in India

In India The Consumer protection act, 1986 is governing consumer protection. Under this law, Separate Consumer Dispute Redress Forums have been set up throughout India in each and every district in which a consumer [complaint can be filed by both the consumer of a goods as well as of the services] can file his complaint on a simple paper with nominal court fees and his complaint will be decided by the Presiding Officer of the District Level. Appeal could be filed to the State Consumer Disputes Redress Commissions and after that to the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC). The procedures in these tribunals are relatively less formal and more people friendly and they also take less time to decide upon a consumer dispute when compared to the years long time taken by the traditional Indian judiciary. In recent years, many effective judgments have been passed by some state and National Consumer Forums. The Contract Act of 1982 act lays down the conditions in which promises made by parties to a contract will be legally binding on each other. It also lays down the remedies available to aggregate party if the other party fails to honors his promise. The Sale of Goods Act of 1930 act provides some safeguards to buyers of goods if goods purchased do not fulfill the express or implied conditions and warranties. The Agriculture Produce Act of 1937 act provides grade standards for agricultural commodities and live stock products. It specifies the conditions which govern the use of standards and lays down the procedure for grading, marking and packaging of agricultural produce.

Crime Information

National Crime Intelligence Force (NCIF) is a reputed Secret Crime Informer and Intelligence workers organization in India. In the post it was tasked with all intelligence but in recent times it has focused on internal security. The NCIF is national basic Secret Intelligence worker’s organization. Who are you dedicated to do some they respected intelligence work for their own country to make crime free Platform for all Indians.

We Proved secrete information for Corruption Investigation, Crime Investigation, Drugs. Antics, Illegal Post, Stamp Paper and Weapons to CBI, Vigilance, Crime Branch, Home ministry, Ministry of Defiance, Central government, State government, Local Police and its Administration

NCIF working against all type of Crime to make our Society Care free and safe. NCIF is an Anti-Crime workers Organization who are devoted or dedicated to do Something respected work for their own Country to make Crime and Corruption free platform for the Coming Generation in the near future

We take urgent step & Investigation from different sectors of our crime intelligence teams for Crime, Corruption, Human Right Protection, Child Labor, Woman Protection, Bonded labor all Illegal works under Indian Penal Act.

We Provide Crime Information to honorable president, prime minister, Home minister, chief minister, chief Justice, lok sabha president, Supreme Court, High Court, Income Tax Department, Vigilance Department, Crime Branch C.B.I. Raw, I.B, C.I.D, Print Media, Electronic Media, Senior Journalist, Police and its administration etc.


Child Rights Protection

Some general rights applicable to children include:

the right to life.

the right to security of person.

the right to freedom from torture.

Rights to Education, Voice, Legal, Food, Health

the right to freedom from cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

the right to be separated from adults when charged with a crime, the right to speedy adjudication, and the right to be accorded treatment appropriate to their age.

A child is any human being below the age of eighteen years, unless under the law applicable to the child, majority is attained earlier." There are no definitions of other terms used to describe young people such as "adolescents", "teenagers," or "youth" in international law, but the children's rights movement is considered distinct from the youth rights movement.

Human rights apply to all age groups; children have the same general human rights as adults. In 1989, however, world leaders decided that children needed a special convention just for them because people under 18 years old often need special care and protection that adults do not. The leaders also wanted to make sure that the world recognized that children have human rights too. The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) is the first legally binding international instrument to incorporate the full range of human rights—including civil, cultural, economic, political and social rights.

Children’s rights in the human rights framework

The Convention on the Rights of the Child sets out the rights that must be realized for children to develop their full potential, free from hunger and want, neglect and abuse. It reflects a new vision of the child. Children are neither the property of their parents nor are they helpless objects of charity. They are human beings and are the subject of their own rights. The Convention offers a vision of the child as an individual and as a member of a family and community, with rights and responsibilities appropriate to his or her age and stage of development. By recognizing children's rights in this way, the Convention firmly sets the focus on the whole child.


National Crime Intelligence Force is India’s no.1 Social Detective agency, We work honestly for making our Country “Crime free Nation” as per society need we Research / Survey and Social Detective work and submitting report to President of India, Prime Minister of India, Chief Ministers, Police Officers, CBI, IB, Human Rights Commission, Supreme Court, High Court, Governor and all responsible departments.

Our Working Sectors

Child Abuse

Child Sexual Abuse

Serial Murders

Computer Crimes

Drunk Driving

Crime Prevention

Mass Murder

Child Abduction

Battered Women



Music Piracy


Sex Racketeering

Health Care Fraud

Organized Crime

Securities Fraud

Domestic Violence

Female Serial Killers

Domestic Violence Prevention


Fraud in Science


Hackers and Hacking

Human Trafficking


Mail and Wife Fraud

Neighborhood Crime

Restorative Justice

Social Worker with Criminals

Sexual Harassment

Serial Killers

President Message

आइये: अपराध, भ्रष्टाचार , आतंकबाद मुक्त , आदर्श ब बिकसित भारत के लिए National Crime Intelligence Force से जुड़े। 

NCIF का राष्ट्रीय ब सामाजिक सुरक्षा अभियान
○क्या आप नाम पहचान पावर सुरक्षा उन्नति प्राप्त करना चाहते है?
○क्या आप राष्ट्र समाज ब जनता की सेवा सहायता रक्षा करना चाहते है?
○क्या आप किसी अपराध अन्याय हिंसा या भ्रष्टाचार के शिकार है?
○क्या आप किसी अपराधी, देशद्रोही, भ्रस्टाचारी को जानते है?
○क्या आपसे कोई सरकारी कर्मचारी , अधिकारी रिश्वत मांगता है?
○क्या आप अपने क्षेत्र में NCIF की शाखा खोलना चाहते है?
○यदि हाँ तो आप हमसे शीघ्र मिले। हम आपकी पूरी सहायता करेंगे।
○नोट:गोपनीय सूचना देने पर आपका नाम गुप्त रखा जाएगा।
NCIF मीडिया, जनता ब सरकार के बीच एक सेतु

NCIF केंद्रीय सूचना एवं प्रसारण मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार द्वारा अधिकृत एक मीडिया की सहयोगी संस्था है। जो राष्ट्रीय सामाजिक सुरक्षा पीड़ित की न्याय तथा अपराद मुक्त समाज एबम भ्रस्टाचार रहित प्रसाशन के निर्माण हेतु निम्न सरकारी विभागों को जनहित में अपना पूर्ण सहयोग प्रदान कररही है:-

1- केंद्रीय गृहमंत्रालय , भारत सरकार।
2- केंद्रीय जांच ब्यूरो (CBI)
3-केंद्रीय सतकर्ता आयोग (CVC)
4- राष्ट्रीय विधिक सेवा प्राधिकरण (NALSA)
5-नागरिक सुरक्षा निदेशालय (DCD)
6- मुख्यमंत्री सचिवालय , दिल्ली सरकार।

जुड़ने के लिए संपर्क करे
विकाश राजपूत
संस्थापक & राष्ट्रीय अध्य्क्ष
कार्यालय - 01169311898
व्हाट्सअप - +919953328443

Our Objective

Crime Information

Terrorism Information & Introduction

Vision and Mission

Right to Consumer Protection & Education

Consumer Rights

Child Rights Protection

आइये: अपराध, भ्रष्टाचार , आतंकबाद मुक्त , आदर्श ब बिकसित भारत के लिए *National Crime Intelligence Force* से जुड़े।

Social Welfare



Human Rights

Anti Crime

Youtube Videos