To bring diplomatic and commercial pressures on regimes that violates human rights, to ensure that they respect the basic rights of their citizens.
To keep the interests of disempowered communities foremost in all dealings with countries in which human rights violations occur
To recognize democratic institutions as a fundamental human right.
To work for ensuring that basic human rights are respected everywhere.
To co-operate to avoid compromising on human rights for economic or political expediency.
To work towards the sovereignty and self determination of entities with historical, cultural and ecological identity.
To restrict cooperation with governing regimes that violates human rights.
To actively engage with the government of India and other countries to promote human rights education
To promote the rule of law at the national and international levels.
To support the end of colonization and press for resolution of colonial conflicts through the U.N. frame work.
NCIF Rules & Regulations
In case of loss of the identity Card, inform the National Office in writing along with the F.I.R. immediately.
All NCIF members should contact their respective Area Committee / State Committee / National Committee. Office once in a month Compulsory
The Members and Officers of NCIF are working on voluntary basis and no payment is given to them. Membership is non-transferable and once the payment is made, it is non-refundable.
On expiry, the Identity Cards must be submitted to the National Office. After expiry, renewal is a must for regular membership
In case of change of address, Member should inform the same to the National Office.
Strict action will be taken against the Member, if found guilty floating the rules and regulations of NCIF, and are also punishable under the Trusty Act
If you have any doubt, question or problem, please contact NCIF National Office. All rights reserved to NCIF.
Any kind of misbehavior or misconduct may result in rejection of membership of NCIF. All disputes subject to jurisdiction of Howrah only.
NCIF will not be responsible for any misuse of Identity Card issued to the Members during the course of their Membership with NCIF.
I hereby solemnly affirm and declare that: The particulars mentioned by me here in above are true & correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed or suppressed thereof. If anything found incorrect at any stage, my membership may be terminated. 2. I honestly declare that I will not involve myself directly or indirectly in any act which will be against the prestige of our Nation, Society, NCIF as well. 3. I will abide by the rules and regulations and Bye-Laws of the SS NCIF in force from time to time.
Functions of NCIF
Such other functions as it may consider necessary for the promotion of human rights.
Encourage the efforts of voluntary organizations and institutions working in the field of human rights.
Human rights education.
Undertake and promote research in the field of human rights.
Intervene in any proceeding involving any allegation of violation of human rights pending before a court with the permission of such court.
To promote the rule of law at the national and international levels.
Inquire sue Moto or on a petition presented to it by a victim or any person on his behalf, into complaint of :
violation of human rights or abetment there of , or
Inquire sue Moto or on a petition presented to it by a victim or any person on his behalf, into complaint of
Negligence in the prevention of such violation, by a public servant.